Who's Your One?, Pt. 1

Mar 3, 2024    Pastor Jeremy Dente

In part of our series, Who's Your One?, we consider how Jesus began his earthly ministry - by calling four individual men to leave their lives of familiarity and tradition and to be willing to be transformed into disciples who would effectively change the world.

All four men - Peter, Andrew, James, and John - had one primary purpose - to continue in the footsteps of their families as local fishermen. However, after being by Jesus, they would be transformed into fishers of men. No longer were they solely focused on fishing for food, but fishing for souls.

This would become the core of the Great Commission and the overall mission of the Church, in which those who follow Christ realize that real fulfillment is found in following in the footsteps of Jesus to share the gospel with others and invite them into a new life with God.