The Gospel, Pt. 2 - Where is the Gospel?

Oct 15, 2023    Pastor Jeremy Dente

As we begin to survey the OT for pictures and foreshadowings of the gospel, we understand what Jesus said to the disciples on the road to Emmaus, that Moses and the Prophets spoke extensively about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

In this message, we take a look at the first presentation of the gospel in the Bible, the protoevangelium, of Genesis 3:15. We notice the conflict that arose between Adam and Eve and the serpent, then between God and man and the serpent, and how that conflict motif continues throughout the Scripture.

This conflict comes to a head in a confrontation between between the seed of the woman and the serpent, foreshadowing the cross at Calvary. This all culminates in a consummation of God's promise for the seed of the woman to crush the head of the serpent, picturing the end of the curse of sin and death that comes with the resurrection of the dead and when we are raptured up to be with Christ forever (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17, 1 Corinthians 15:50-57). This points to a final consummation when the King Jesus is victorious over that dragon called Satan, and the devil, those whose names are not written in the Lamb's book of life, and even death and Hades, are thrown into the Lake of Fire forever (Revelation 19-20).